


Yeah, okay, this is kind of gross, but I couldn't help it! They were just so perfect.
Back in April (my late birthday present from my dentist. He really made my 20th a good one), I had all four of my wisdom teeth removed, and apparently at some point during the procedure I asked if I could keep them, because he gave them to me in a little blue box, as pictured above. And, being me, of course I had to photograph them. There are actually about twenty photos of my teeth saved on my computer, but I'll spare you.

I'm back to going through my photo archives on my computer because I've been home with a cold and going outside and looking for things to photograph didn't really have much appeal. Today I'm going back to work though; even just one day spent at home, alone, watching daytime TV and sleeping, is enough to drive me batty. I need to get up and do something again. But, since work doesn't start until three, I'm going to lie around in bed and look through my photo history!


Completely unrelated to my wisdom teeth: my sister's bird, Mickey. He is the most badass cockatiel ever, and one of my favourite photo subjects. He and I dance to Pat Benetar (his favourite) in the kitchen on a semi-regular basis, or whenever I go visit my parents.

I'm going to spend the rest of this week just posting oldies.


the flaming lips.


The Flaming Lips at the Malkin Bowl. Lots of confetti and ten-year-old-sized balloons, one "space bubble" used for crowd surfing, and a really nice sentiment: "The reason we live is to give love. Not to be loved, but to give love. You can give love to a song, to an insect... Anything."

painted on my heart.


Every now and again I'll find things like this here and there around the city, and it just makes my heart melt every time I find another one. This particular gem was just around the corner from my now former digs, and just up the street there was a wall upon which someone had scrawled in spray paint, "you inspire me". That one I didn't photograph though, for no good reason.


sublime green.




Okay, I'm officially out of my brief rut. I'm also coming to realize that taking photographs of food is pretty much my favourite thing in the world. In this case, absinthe and little baked goodies from Blue Water Cafe in Yaletown.


banana bread.


Mmmm. I'm not feeling very verbose these past few days, and not particularly motivated to take new photos either. I'm delving into the computer archives from the past few weeks/months...





bored, hungry.


There is nothing beautiful in quite the same way an olive is.

the following events occur between 9pm, and 10pm.

image source

Previously on 24...

So, remember this:

Jack Bauer, government agent, blah blah. I adore the show, I adore Jack Bauer (despite his often unnecessary yelling when on the telephone), and now that the show is over I continue to have a mild obsession with the Jack Bauer Bag. My boyfriend is looking for a bag for school and I told him that he should invest in a Bauer Bag. Little did I know that there was an entire cult following for that particular bag! Typing "Jack Bauer Bag" into Google comes up with 194,000 results. Who'da thunk.

I was at Chapters this evening, reading books about designer apartments in New York and cameras that I cannot yet afford. Chapters has this great section full of kind of tacky household stuff, bookends shaped like dogs etc, and some messenger bags and notebooks and what not. I saw this one semi-nice looking messenger bag and my Bauer Bag obsession was instantly rekindled and I had to go check it out online. And so, here I am.

Earlier this afternoon I met with Aaron Hansler of Neverending Photography and we talked photos and cameras and models and fashion and general happy things. We've been meaning to meet up to talk photography for a good while now and I was so excited to finally meet him. It was refreshing (and a relief of sorts too, actually) to finally find another kindred spirit; I've been on the look-out for more of those. I'm feeling newly energized and inspired and can't wait to go along with Aaron on some of his upcoming shoots. STAY TUNED.

easily distracted


When I was really little I found a huge snail at a relative's house in BC, and I named it Oscar. I tried to bring him back with me on the drive back to Alberta, but he fried in the back seat of the car and I had to give him a proper burial at a gas station somewhere in the middle of nowhere.


These are the boots that we bought for my sister a few weeks ago. The only reason these two photos are in any way related is because they were taken on the same day. I should be packing up my apartment, but to be perfectly honest, I just don't want to. I worked on it pretty hard yesterday (that is, after I killed an hour or so having lunch), so I'm trying to justify sitting around and not doing anything today. I'm doing a bad job, and I feel guilty, and I should finally get myself together and go at it, but meh. My newly adopted mantra of "DO IT NOW" (which I have written on my hand) just isn't resonating properly today.

xo, lolo.


rainy day drinks



I was out for drinks and a typically late lunch in Yaletown with my other half last week. The food was great and the drinks were absolutely to die for (check out the menu here!!!), and sitting at a table not too far from us was the beautiful Lily of Bleed for Fashion (at the time I must admit I was in an awkward place between not really being totally certain it was her, and being a little starstruck and sheepish because I was positive it was her. Otherwise, maybe I would have said hi!).

It was raining fairly heavily but, even though we were sitting on the patio (there was a private party being hosted inside), it was cozy and warm--thank you, heat lamps. For some reason I enjoy being outside on covered patios when it's pouring outside almost more than when the sun is out.

xo, lolo.


oh goodie



Photos by Lorelei Martell, September 2010.
My sister and I had a fabulous time this weekend: We made up a recipe (of which I am rather proud, actually) for Black Forest Cupcakes for our step dad's birthday, which turned out to be a complete success, watched a really bad/awesome tween body-switch coming-of-age movie that WASN'T Freaky Friday, and probably ate way too much junk food.

I am reading a book right now called The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin, and it is in the process of completely and utterly turning my life upside down--in a startlingly positive way. Stay tuned. 

xo, lolo.




Photo by Lorelei Martell, August 2010.

I went through a torn-up jeans phase last month, one that only lasted a day or so, but was long enough to immortalize.


in motion


Photo by Lorelei Martell, August 2010.

I can't remember which family event this was taken at. This was the younger of my two nephews, who had just started walking (and running) and was impossible to photograph properly because he never stood still enough. I dig this photo though, so it worked out well.

xo, lolo.

giving way


Photo by Lorelei Martell, September 2010.

There's something so romantic about an apple with a leaf still attached. It reminds me all over again that this apple doesn't come from a grocery store (well, no duh, but you know), it comes from the earth, and it's all so mind bloggling and miraculous. Summer berries are giving way to crispy autumn apples as summer wanes and fall waxes full. I'm excited more than I care to admit to all the sun-loving people growling at the impending rain and chill; I get to pull out my coats and my cozy knits and my scarves and boots again! What could possibly be more thrilling (really, no sarcasm intended)?!


a sunny day mistake


Accidental photo by Lorelei Martell, August 2010.
I'm not sure how this happened, but for some reason I really like it.


buy some furniture and give the cat a name!


Photo by Lorelei Martell, July 2010, Manhattan, NY.
Holly Golightly: He's all right! Aren't you, cat? Poor cat! Poor slob! Poor slob without a name! The way I see it I haven't got the right to give him one. We don't belong to each other. We just took up one day by the river. I don't want to own anything until I find a place where me and things go together. I'm not sure where that is but I know what it is like. It's like Tiffany's.

Paul Varjak: Tiffany's? You mean the jewelry store.

Holly Golightly: That's right. I'm just crazy about Tiffany's!

--From Breakfast at Tiffany's

come in for cheese!


Photo by Lorelei Martell, July 2010.
This was in the Chelsea Market in Manhattan. I love all the baskets hanging off the walls, and how it isn't really clear what exactly this store specializes in, besides cheese and a vast array of baskets.


back from July


Photo by Lorelei Martell, July 2010.
This was lying on the ground on the southwest corner of Broadway and Fir shortly before I went to New York in July. If whoever wrote that and dropped it on the ground happens to read this, THANK YOU, you gave me a beautiful photo.

night treasures


Photos by Lorelei Martell, September 2010.

This lonely tomato was sitting on the edge of a dumpster in the alley close to home. It was covered in raindrops and was this absolutely gorgeous green.


an egg incident


I was making banana bread this evening and when I went to grab an egg from the fridge, I discovered that the bottom of the egg had broken in the carton (I couldn't tell before I pulled the egg out and dumped raw egg all over the floor).

Photo by Lorelei Martell, September 2010.

Autumn is back



Photo by Lorelei Martell, September 2010.
The best part about fall is that my boyfriend decides it's cool enough in the kitchen to cook again. I've waited all year for this...



Photo by Lorelei Martell, August 2010.
Featuring "Abee" Armor ring. See collection here.