
giving way


Photo by Lorelei Martell, September 2010.

There's something so romantic about an apple with a leaf still attached. It reminds me all over again that this apple doesn't come from a grocery store (well, no duh, but you know), it comes from the earth, and it's all so mind bloggling and miraculous. Summer berries are giving way to crispy autumn apples as summer wanes and fall waxes full. I'm excited more than I care to admit to all the sun-loving people growling at the impending rain and chill; I get to pull out my coats and my cozy knits and my scarves and boots again! What could possibly be more thrilling (really, no sarcasm intended)?!


Annie said...

very cool lor

Lorelei said...

thank you!
now all I need is to cash in my visa points for that shiny new camera 8-)

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